Poker Dice Game Rules


Poker Dice Rules In this simple little dice game, your goal is to roll the best possible poker hand. To play, you'll need five regular 6-sided dice, although having special Poker Dice certainly adds to the fun. Poker Dice can be played by any number of players and the rules for the game are very simple. Each player in turn gets up to three rolls of the dice to make the best standard poker hand, players put aside dice on each throw to build the 'hand' and the player with. Poker Dice Board Game Rules / Poker Dice Set - Ok Sports and Games / The 10,000 dice game is played by rolling the dice to collect points, which can then be risked by continuing to roll the dice. Fun group games for kids and adults are a great way to bring. Brush up on the rules for classic board games or discover a new favorite from the classics.

A friend recently emailed me asking me for the rules for 'liar'sdice', a drinking game we played while on a ski vacation up atWhistler, BC. Apparently he couldn't find the rules written outanywhere online -- all he found was a game called Perudo whereeveryone had their own die to roll. So I spent a few minutes writingdown the rules to the version we played as clearly as I could andemailed them back to him. While I was at it I figured I'd post themon my website for the world to enjoy... So here goes:


What Are The Rules To 10000 Dice Game

A non-transparent cup and five (5) dice. 2+ people. Beer.

Beginning a round:

To begin a round one person rolls all five dice under the cup. That personthen follows from step 5 on in the Pass: section below.


The player to your right (the 'passer') just passed you one or moredice under the cup, zero or more dice outside the cup and made aclaim. That claim is what the passer asserts is the minimum value of the'hand' being passed to you. You have two choices at the beginningphase of your turn: to accept the claim or to challenge the passer.

You accept the passer's claim by peeking under the cup and gaining theknowledge of the state of all five dice -OR- by simply passing the cupalong to the person on your left and making a higher claim withoutlooking under the cup. You challenge the passer's claim by sayingsomething along the lines of 'bullshit' and then lifting the cup forall to see. The round is over when someone challenges a claim.

If a claim is challenged then either the passer or the challenger winsand the other loses. The passer wins if the actual value of the fivedice hand meets or exceeds the value of his claim. The challengerwins if the actual value of the five dice hand does not meet the valueof the passer's claim.

The value of five dice hands is much like in poker:

  1. Singleton a.k.a. 'high card' (1 2 3 4 5 6)
  2. One pair (11xxx, 22xxx, 33xxx, 44xxx, 55xxx, 66xxx). Note that 22543 is better than 22311 becasue of the 5 vs. the 3.
  3. Two-pair (22113 .. 66554). 44112 beats 33226 because of the 4's. 55446 beats 55442 beacause of the 6.
  4. Three-of-a-kind (11123 .. 66654).
  5. Full house (11122 .. 66655). The value of the three-of-a-kind component dominates so that 33311 is better than 22266. Be explicit when passing these hands -- e.g. say 'a full house, three 3's, two 2's' not 'a full house, 3's and 2's'.
  6. Four of a kind (11112 up to 66665)
  7. Five of a kind (11111 up to 66666)

Note there are no straights (major or minor). Feel free to addthem to your own rules if you want.

There's an important subtlety here -- the 'meets or exceeds' phrasemeans that if I passed you 'two pair, 1's and 4's', you challenge theclaim, and the real hand is three of a kind then I would win. This isbecause the real value (three of a kind) exceeds the value of my claim(two pair).

The loser drinks some quantity of beer (should be enough todiscourage frivolous challenges). You can make the winner give out adrink too if you want. Then the winner begins the next round byrolling all five dice...


Once you have accepted a passer's claim you begin the process ofbecomming a passer and making a claim of your own. If you peek underthe cup you must roll at least one die. If you do not peekunder the cup you can accept your passer's claim by simply sliding thecup along to your left and making a higher claim. In this case youneed not roll any dice.

If you peeked, though, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Optionally pull one or more die from under the cup toshow everyone its (their) value(s). Any dice you show to everyone areleft in the center of the table.
  2. Optionally pull one or more die from the center of thetable and place it (them) under the cup.
  3. Optionally roll any die in the center of the table and leave it (them) in plain sight. Once a die on the table in plain view has been rolled it may not be re-rolled or hidden by the cup.
  4. Roll all dice under the cup. If you peeked under the cup toaccept the claim made to you then you must roll at least one dieduring your turn.
  5. Optionally look under the cup at the roll you made.
  6. Optionally pull out one or more die from under the cup to show everyone their value. Place these dice in the center of the table for all to see.
  7. Make a claim that exceeds the value of the claim you accepted andcarefully pass the cup to the person to your left. If youscrew up the dice by sliding them on the table and you get challengedthen you're out of luck. If you say 'Oh it was a full house, I swear.The dice just got messed up in the pass' then you drink double.Likewise, when receiving the cup in a pass don't jostle it around.

One last note: if the passer claims 'a pair of twos' when passing youthe dice to his left then his claim implies 'a pair of twos and aone'. Yes, I know you could not have a pair of twos and just a singleone... you'd either have more than a single one and therefore gettwo-pairs/full house or you'd have something higher than a one. Thepoint here is just that if all you say is 'a pair of bla' you arepassing a pair of bla with an implied high card one. Of course, ifyou pass 'a pair of ones' then you are implying 'two ones and a two'not three ones.

Strategery (a.k.a. Strategy):

Poker dice game rules

How To Play Dice Poker

Remember the subtlety above -- if you roll four of a kind you need notpass four of a kind. Likewise if you roll four 5's you need not passfour fives -- depending on the claim you accepted maybe four 2's willdo. If you are in the enviable position of having a killer roll and awussy claim to beat think about who you want to set up and how fararound you want to dice to pass when making your claim. Underclaimingis powerful, especially if rolling a single die will perturb the hand.

Trust fate: if you have a 50-50 chance of beating a claim (I just passedyou four 5's and a two, you accepted. Pull out the 4 5's, roll theremaining dice under the cup, if you get a 3, 4, or 5 you win). Don'tbother to look. Just pass the cup and say 'four fives and a three'.The advantage here is that you can't betray your own lie by peekingunder the cup. The person to your left will be forced to think aboutthe odds and not whether they think you lied. The disadvantage hereis that you deprive yourself of the knowledge of what's under thecup. If the dice come back to you (i.e. if there are a very smallnumber of people playing) then you are at a disadvantage.

Also note that if I was your receiver in the above example (you had a50-50 chance to beat your claim, rolled 1 dice and didn't look) I'd betempted to not look either and just pass it along with 'four 5's and afour'.

Think about the odds, not bluffs. What you ask yourself whenreceiving a claim is not 'is that person lying' but rather 'given whatI know, what are the odds that I can beat that claim'. A pair ofwhatevers is pretty easy to beat even if there's nothing at all underthe cup.

The combination of pulling out some die and underclaiming has abefuddling effect on drunk opponents.


Have fun. Make sure to follow the steps in the Pass: section because you can get confused with thepulling out / pulling in if you don't -- the important part is rollthe dice on the table before the ones under the cup (if you choose toroll on the table at all). What you want to avoid is the illegalprocess of rolling the cup, peeking, then rolling on the table. Alsoremember if you look under the cup then you must roll at least onedie during your turn.


Well I have gotten some email from other people who play liar's dicewith different rules. It seems like there are a lot of variations outhere. Here's one that I really liked which I received in email from a guynamed Randall Olson:


'I work in a fire department where we play liar's dice after we eat lunch and dinner. The loser has to wash the dishes (put dishes in dish washer, clean pots and pans, clean up kitchen, etc) It's a tradition that has been going on since well before I came into the fire department 24 years ago.

We don't play with poker type hands though. When a person makes a call, they are just stating how many of a certain number there are total, under everyone's cups. Everyone has their own cup with 3 dice. (or if less than 4 or 5 people are playing we might use 5 dice each) We usually have 9 people playing, We also have a big red die that we roll every hand, that is the wild number.

So basically, with 9 people playing, each with 3 dice, someone usually starts with a call like '9 sixes'. The next person has to call something higher (ten of something), like 10 ones, 10 twos, ten 6's, etc. Then 11 ones, 11 twos, etc. Eventually the number high enough where someone challenges it. We don't say 'bull-shit', we say 'bang!' or just lift our cup. If you lift your cup and are wrong (the stated number was there) you get one 'bad' added to your score (someone keeps score on a piece of paper). If you were correct in your challenge, and the stated number wasn't there, then the person who made the call (the person sitting next to you on your right) get one 'bad'.

For example, if the call was 13 5's, and someone bangs it (lifts their cup), everyone pushes all their 5's into the middle of the table (to make it easier to add them up) plus any wild dice they have (say the wild number for that round was 4, you push out all of your 5's and 4's, then add them all up. Every once in a while some will 'call the wild number' by mistake, (they might say 12 4's, when the wild number was 4). Usually several people will simultaneously yell 'bang!', because there usually only be half as many dice in the total if you are only adding up the wild number without another number to go with it. (it takes newcomers a while to understand that...newbie's usually call the wild number at least once their first few games)

You can also call 'out of turn'. Say someone makes a call (like 12 sixes), and you are sitting several seats away from them. You can yell out 'bang', and lift your cup. If you are right, and there are less than 12 sixes, you get two goods (which erase bads or give you a positive total) and the person you banged get one bad. If you are wrong you get two bads. Then you have to start the next round by rolling the wild die (creating a new wild number...which counts as anything) and making a new opening call (like 9 sixes, ten 4's, or whatever).

The game is over when one person has 5 bads, or when two people have 3 bads each (then they either do the dishes together or play another dice game in a playoff...that is a more complicated game called 'crazy game', which I won't get started's way too complicated for an e-mail).

I've also seen liar's dice played in bars in a slightly different variation. Usually 5 dice, with no wild die. Instead of getting goods and bads, when you are wrong you lose a die from your cup. The person who is left after every one else has lost their dice is the winner.'

Playing Poker Dice Online: A Gambling Guide

Once the level of betting has been set, including the number of chips being bet, the dice are rolled. For many casinos, wins are paid out on two pairs or higher.

Poker dice game rules pdf

This puts the odds slightly in favor of the casino, as is usual for casino games. It's about a 2.47% edge for the house, which compares reasonably well to many other casino games.

Payouts depend on the amount bet and the value of the winning hand. The winning hands, in order of value, are two pairs, three of a kind, full house, four of a kind, low straight (K,Q,J,10,9), high straight (A,K,Q,J,10), and five of a kind. Once payouts have been determined and paid, a new round can begin.

Understanding Strategy

Poker Dice is one of the less common dice games found at gambling websites, but it still has a strong following of loyal enthusiasts. If you like games which are straightforward yet have a hint of twist or variation, Poker Dice may be for you.

The game has 1 payline. You’ll pick your stake and roll the dice. To win at Poker Dice online, the dice must land on a standard poker hand. If you don’t know what these are, take a look below:

Poker Dice Ranking of Hands:

  • Five of a Kind (ex: A A A A A)
  • Four of a Kind (ex: Q Q Q Q J)
  • Full House (ex: 10 10 10 K K)
  • Straight (ex: 9 10 J Q K)
  • Three of a Kind (ex: 9 9 9 K J)
  • Two Pair (ex: K K Q J J)
  • One Pair (ex: A A K Q J)
  • High dice (ex: A K J 10 9)

In this exciting table game, you can win up to 150 times your stake which is partly why it is so appealing to players.

Although not necessarily a strategy, to better your chances for winning at Poker Dice online, you will have the option to select one or more dice and attempt another role with those if you were not satisfied with the first roll.

This can only be done twice. After, you have to choose a combination with what you have rolled. Using the dice is mandatory even if you don’t win. This ensures every game has all 13 moves which are in accordance of the rules. That said, at the very least, stand on two pairs. This is the minimum hand that will earn you cash and is pretty easy to roll. Keep in mind, in Poker Dice, you have a lot less chance of busting than as you would in a standard poker game. This also means that you have a better chance at making pairs and straights.

When you play Poker Dice in a group setting, there are opportunities to misguide your other opponents by making it appear as if your hand is not as good as it seems. Think of it like bluffing in poker. However, at an online casino, Poker Dice is a virtual game. You will not be able to see the other players. Therefore, using this Poker Dice strategy online may not be an option. You can extend your play time in hopes of misleading players to think that you’re struggling, but again this will not always work.