How To Use Poker Dice
4/11/2022 admin

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| Poker Dice Games The dice games in the list here, are all suited to being played with a set of specially marked Poker dice. Poker dice are sets of five dice which each have six playing-card pictures printed on each of their six faces. The playing cards used are A, K, Q, J, 10, 9 and you can play Poker dice games with a standard set of ordinary spotted dice by simply giving a playing-card face a corresponding spotted value from the standard dice. Games played with a set of Poker dice usually involve rolling and making combinations of Poker-type and ranked hands of the resulting dice faces, such as pairs, three-of-a-kind, and runs of five consecutive values, etc. The games in the list below all feature gameplay that lends itself to be being played with a set of Poker dice. | ||||||||||||||||
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How To Use Poker Dice Chart
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